I know.
It's been lacking
before I run off to lunch
so many things
many many things
swirl my mind
like a tornado cupcake
a tornado cupcake one asks?
one that has made a mess all over my life
but as you lick the icing
it is still sweet
but to many things that I have to do
have to take care of
I can't stop to taste
most of them I don't want to do
my life just keeps going
in this bubble
and without my job
I'd have no check into reality
but before life runs me off today
I though I'd stop
and catch up
and maybe rant a little
about the room thats a mess
the bills to be paid
the tasks to be done
and oh the homework
the homework
where my motivation disappears completely
where a ration myself
5 minutes
10 more minutes
turns into 2 more hours
of watching my favorite poets in youtube
youtube can be so deadly
I just want to climb
climb this giant mountain that's holding me back
paper after paper after paper
but I have found my problem
when the one thats due first is the one i don't want to do
when its a choice between youtube and a different assignment
maybe not pertinent but still needing to be conquered
today I will choose the other assignment.