I finished all my theater Practicums! Yay for a basically finished theater major!
Pending I pass my Cognitive Psych class, pre-emptive yay! for that major too.
My involvement with Active Minds and Mental Health Awareness is as life consuming as ever.
I need to reschedule my psychiatrist appointment? Yea can someone please tell me to do that?
I was just in a production of the Vagina Monologues, It was an awesome experience, and my first time on stage in a theatrical sense! major accomplishment!
I still have no job, and kinda a place to live but not really, I think I'm on living plan J now. Focusing on Job still, well I'll admit I have done NOTHING Job related until today...
...I worked on my shit today! meaning my Resume is beautiful and my cover letter templates are hot.
I am presenting at the student symposium at LFC (1 presentation I have not finished)
I am presenting at the ACM conference 4 days later (1 presentation I have not started)
I love to play the Djymbe in my West African Drmuming Ensemble,Wasa Wasa. (just thought I'd throw that in the mix)
I've been fighting off a carpenter ant infestation in my dorm room since before spring break. NOTE I HAVE A PHOBIA OF BUGS. My roommate and I took out all the food, a friend helped me clean and sweep everything, and we sprayed the room with some very strong anti pest thing. That seemed to work for a while before spring break, But I came back and they were back again. I sprayed again but only a little and never got to finish but then I found dead ants on my floor like little presents. So I know the spray does kill them at least. My friend and I sprayed the whole room again. hopefully its work this time.
This coming week, I convinced myself that waking up at 5am both Thursday and Friday is a great idea! I have volunteered myself to work at a sociology conference in Chicago for one of my prof's. I do get payed, and my transportation is payed for. Plus I told myself it would be a great networking opportunity, except for that fact that my class schedule is not letting me stay much longer after my shift before I have to leave so I can catch the Metra back to LFC. Don't know how much networking will be done from behind the registration desk.
My Truck is still broken, poor baby, but I did get it towed! so at least its at a mechanics shop. But even he doesn't seem to know whats wrong with it.
WOW that list got long. There is so much to do in the next six weeks my brain might explode. Something that keeps me grounded, music, like this new song by Crystal Bowersox, one of my favorite artists. It's called Dead Weight, and its very powerful and beautiful, and as Crustal said herself in an interview something along the lines of the more you hear the more meaningful it gets. So please enjoy while I continue the life I keep forgetting to blog about. Love your all, Peace. -Sam