Tuesday, December 13, 2011

By the way, I dyed my hair and got a well needed haircut. My old picture was blonde and I've been light brown for a while, but just dyed it really brunette a few days ago. I also hadn't cut it since probably September so it was really scruffy. I'm also in the process of growing it out just a bit, but the cut I had was a-symmetrical so she cut a bit off to even it out. Its cute and short and I will continue to let it grow, but I new it needed to be healthy to do that. :)Peace.


Who knew that moving only 30 miles away required so much paperwork? oh yea I did. and believe me, I have a lot less than people going moving half way across the world, like my friend Matt for example who I will miss dearly while he is in Germany next semester, or my friends Joanna and Jessica who will be in London. but.....

I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that CHICAGO will distract me so much I won't even have time to miss them. So really, all the paperwork is definitely worth it. This form here, that form there, keys to my RA, 5 million signatures, 10 million emails, and 4 trips to my schools business office later, I am officially checked out! Which In turn means that I am officially moving to Chicago this February and hopefully enjoying all of the exciting wonders the city had to offer thanks to ACM.

I also know there is probably more paperwork ahead even, just waiting for word from the program, as I am expecting a flurry of updates and such very soon.

As efficient as I may be with my paperwork ( or at least I'm told that I'm very timely) I wish my professors would hurry up with theirs and submit my grades! As if I don't have enough to be anxious about.....


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oh look what time it is?

Yes, its 1am yet again. but heck isn't this always when I write my best work? I think I need to stop denying the fact that my relationship with sleep is one of love and hate.

Anyways today was the last day of classes and I literally was so excited at being one step closer to being done with this semester that it took till now for it hit me: This is my last class here until next school year! 9 months away! crazy. Now I just need to get through 3 final exams and then I'm done.

Its going to be quite odd not being here at LFC. Since I did research last summer I've technically been here for 16 months! I think I might miss my residence hall Cleveland Young, the most. Its my home figuratively and literally since it almost looks like an actual house.

Its somehow slightly more comforting knowing that a lot of my friends are going places for the spring semester as well. I feel like we will want to talk to each other about our experiences.

I guess I don't have that much to say tonight I just felt like blogging something.

Someone motivate me to study! Please?


Friday, December 2, 2011

Hello Next Chapter of This Thing We Call Life!

So, for those of you who actually take the time to read my tiny little blog, much thanks, and be aware that the audience for my blog just got a little more global. Ok maybe not literally global, but I'd like to give you all a brief update on some things.

I am now officially was they call and "ACM Global Ambassador". I like the fancy title just as much as you do. Ok enough with the humor it's actually really important and I am so thrilled to be representing ACM Chicago over the next five 6 months or so.

So what does this all mean? well as you may or may not have known I won't be at my little bubble of a school that we call LFC next semester, because starting in T minus 60 days or so, I will be moving into an apartment in the AMAZING city of Chicago and studying all the wonderful things about the arts there for a few months! I get to have and internship and do this independent project and participate in all this schnazzy stuff thanks to ACM (by the way that stands for associated colleges of the Midwest, and being a part of that system is one of the many thing I love about where I go to school)

OK OK I seriously need to get to the point. So how does this Ambassador thing relate to my blog audience? Well essentially the main part of my job is to write a blog about my experiences during the program. I figured heck since I already have a blog, and was planning on telling all of you (meaning the lonely 5 of you that currently read this blog) about my experiences, why not tell more people and get recognized for doing it?

I'll let you all into my brain a little bit more later regarding how I am preparing for this giant City that stand in front of me. As for now, just know that I am very very excited. Peace.