Thursday, December 5, 2013

Getting back to the fight!

This Holiday season boldly reminded me that giving back is in my nature, and that the last time I did anything non profit was summer (yikes!). So I got back to work, back to advocacy, and back to the fight!

People are right when they say that networking really pays off. Once I put my mind in the right spot to find non profit opportunities, I found out my second cousin (Someone I've known since childhood) is on the board of NCJW, or the National Council of Jewish Women, Chicago North Shore Chapter. Now I just don't go willy nilly fighting for any cause, but it just so happens that many of the things this organization stands for are things I already support, just with a Jewish twist. Oh did you all forget that i am Jewish? :P  Check them out here

They are this amazing liberal organization that supports women and children, tackling everything from domestic violence, to environmental issues, community service to kids programs, and poverty to Jewish holidays. I mean, it covers a wide niche, and has a place for a lot of people including me. However, whenever an organization has a religious or cultural twist, I am always skeptical, but after reading and talking with my cousin about it, it had most of the things I was looking for, and I was very excited to help.

So here I am, currently volunteering a few hours a week for my cousin to help with some organizational and administrative tasks. A message for everyone is that if you reach out to groups like these, they will find an opportunity that works for you, whether that is a one time event or a long term commitment.

Also in the works is a possible volunteering gig for an arts organization.......crossing my fingers!

This season, find time to give back and support your passions!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Caramel Apple Spice

the girl next to me goes back and fourth, back and fourth, between sounding eerily like a girl who has had a huge fight with her friend sitting diagonally from her in a triangle of three, where anger and manipulation are the key tones, and then turns into a sweet, advice giving person, laughing with her best friend. It doesn't help that she, appearing the strongest personality or the entirely dominant of the three, is talking in 40 percent english, and 60 percent something I dont understand, so its not spanish or english. The other two are much better at dividing their conversations, they finish each sentence at least in one language before switching to the other. They are literally practically on top of me, as I am in a corner in a soft leather lounger, part of a set of four, two facing the other two, and they took one and turned it to make a triangle. Here is a diagram for your reference, excuse my windows paint skills.

So don't take any of this negatively, I dont mind these women, or anyone else here for that matter. As you may well know I find human behavior, especially in public places fascinating. In a way I love these women for inspiring this blog post as a stream of my surroundings.

On the contrary completely, the table far in front of (above) me are two beautiful women, I am assuming students because of the work that they are doing, being very polite and quiet with their laptops lightly chatting and one was even skyping, but quiet to the point that I couldn't hear what she was saying. They are both wearing hjabs, another grouping of culture I know nothing about.

In the everyone else category, are a few randoms and the small little no space for anything tables they put stupidly in coffee shops, not really saving any space no matter what kind of three chair set up they use around it.  But mostly their are moms, or that's what I have assumed from their nature, their look, their walks, what they were all doing here at once. at least a dozen of them all walked in the door at once, and spent over ten minutes trying to reconfigure half the shop so they could all sit with each other and not leave anyone out. they are actually on their way out now, and the noise level has reduced by half, and the shop is inching closer to the emptiness I found when I first got here. I guess 7pm is a busy time for coffee, but 6:40 was dead. I got a night way different than expected hear.but this is what happens at the local starbucks. Changes by the second, as is life. Peace.

PS: When i come to starbucks at night I order Caramel Apple Spice, not coffee. :P


Monday, October 28, 2013

Let ramble into Halloween shall we?

Oh hi there? been a while hasn't it. yeah well life's got me busy. working full time kicks my butt some times. I feel like i used to do so much more, I was in school full time, and usually working 20-30 hours a week, plus about another 10-15 hours of community and organizational work. lets just say four years f college, burnt me out just as much as it changed and inspired me. I feel like soon I will get to a point where I catch a balance and enjoy parts of life. Money's tight however, doing a job that I love, so once I also balance my finances, I will feel more comfortable going out and having a little fun. don't get me wrong, I still see friends (does two count?) but we just hang out or get coffee, or hanging out revolves around driving one said person to work when she oversleeps. but then we always blast the music, fight about how shes putting to much makeup on, and end with a "get out, your going to make me late for work, love you bye". Life is treating me exceptionally well for the most part. My grandparents have graciously let me stay with them, and when I am actually home before 10 at night, feed me amazing, home-cooked Jewish food that I remember from my childhood. believe me I'm watching myself before I gain 10 pounds. However they keep kosher, and I spend so many meals at work that I usually by about half my own groceries for lunches and dinners and keep and eat them there.And that way I can have cheese on my turkey sandwich.

My trusty handy best and worst rustbucket that ever happened to me, my nissan truck, finally went kuput this summer, (I may have mentioned this), forcing me to take on a car payment. An unexpected but welcome and gratefully amazing change. My air works. My heat works. It doesnt go clunk. I am lucky if i have to fill the tank once a week. All compliments here. The newness to me still hasnt worn yet. Its useful, and oh so fun.

Mentioning fun, I hope you all will be having a fantastical week celebrating Halloween. Its one of my favorite holidays. I know a lot of people (adults and kids alike) went out over the weekend, and I hope it was hip hop and happening, with lots of sweets to nibble and nosh on. However boring and cheap me didn't go out to any bar parties or anything last Saturday night, but don't worry I got tricks up my sleeve for Thursday! My best friend and I are dressing up together, with her going as Fran Fyne from The Nanny (TV show), and me going as Val (Fran's best friend). We went all out, wigs and vintage clothes, and a skit being prepared in character to greet the trick or treaters. After all the afternoon goodies are given out, we plan to go to dinner in character, and make people laugh there socks off. Pictures will be posted, don't you worry.

Plans, Planning, and being Planned. All things on my to do list, how about yours? Happy Halloween, and as always, Peace.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

#Doma #Prop8 #SCOTUS

Yup those were the three most popular tags on twitter at least at one point this morning. And for the first time there was not a "tell your (insert politician here) to tell the supreme court to rule on....."

That to me was so exciting. I now know that in my lifetime I will be able to get married. I now know that I am valued to the country I live in.

Now I know these decisions will not have that many immediate effects. What it does is say that any state that has approved or will approve same sex marriages can't take it back, ever. And yes DOMA is officially dead. We have the desicion around PROP 8 to thank for this, and in a weird way we must thank prop 8 itself. If prop 8 had never happened, (as horrible as it was), the constitutional debate over same sex marriage would have never entered the legal arena to the scale that it did. However, in today's decision, there is nothing given down that says that the fed govt or the states that don't have SS marriages, have to have them. There is not going to be a law (yet) that forces them too. I feel that the video below definitely explains it right in saying that it sets a moral standard for the entire country that are marriages should be allowed and recognized, but does not technically force any legal change in states that don't have it.

That leads me to the other decision. People in states that do not have ss marriages are going to continue the fight to have there state laws change, and although the moral example the supreme court has set will help their cases, that alone sadly will not win them. However what I believe will help them win the cases is the Tax Desicion. In the next one or two year, or however much time is legally needed to change it, same sex couples who are married in states that allow their marriages will now be allowed to file joint tax returns and receive all equal federal benefits as a hetero couple. In short, the federal govt has to recognize all same sex marriages. The question lies is it fair/constitutional to deny those tax benefits to couples (although unmarried) in other states? (obviously I believe its wrong, but I alone am not going to change the governor of Mississippi's mind).

So that my shpeal/opinion/explanation. I am happy. I am ecstatic. But there is of course still more work to be done. However I believe it will get done a lot faster than previously anticipated because of these decisions. So enjoy NBC's analysis that I have found I believe does it justice and explains it in a way that is understandable. Peace -Sam

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Friday, June 21, 2013

OUTSpoken: a call for LGBTQ voices

Hello Lovelies! Not that this reaches much of an audience, but I'm still going to talk about what I want to talk about, and that is OUTSpoken, an event about mental health and the LGBTQ community. But before I get to my awkward promo, I want to take a moment to tell you why this is especially so important to me.

1. I'm queer, we aaaaaalllll know that. (<3 all, but esp women)
2. I deal with mental health issues and have been surrounded by others who deal with mental health issues almost my entire life. I have OCD (heavy on the anxiety) and a probable case of Bipolar disorder (if you don't know, I was diagnosed when I was 10) where after 12 years I still have days where I don't believe it, and other days where I'm like "oh yeah, definitely bipolar" (or some variation).

These two things are only a part of my life, they don't define my entire self. However whats important to know is that I saw these as two completely separate until well into my sophomore year of college. Whether I like it or not, in small ways one effects the other and vise versa, and it makes my situation even more unique. for instance:

My psychiatrist is a 75 year old, very old school kind of guy. Not someone I especially like opening up to. He is nice and all, I got stuck with him after my last hospitalization a few years back, and he listens to what I say if I need a dosage change in my meds, which is a major PLUS. Would it be helpful if he knew about my my personal life more? Maybe! I don't know because I've never had the chance to figure that one out. (obviously I know it would be more important for say a therapist to know, of which currently I am not seeing anyone because my insurance SUCKS. with a capitol S. and I'm brooooooookkkkeee).

And that is just one reason why mental health among the LGBTQ population needs to be talked about more, so that mental health professionals can be informed and educated, and there can be more options for us, and we can be comfortable talking to any professional.

On a slightly different note YOUR STORY can help change someones life. When I entered college, I very quickly had a great support system for the gay/queer part of my life. But with the mental health stuff, I felt trapped, like I could talk to no one, except the counselor at counseling services who I saw religiously every week my freshmen year. Even though eventually I found some people I could talk to, I still felt separated from my pride friends because I couldn't tell them, even though I knew they would probably super understanding. All it took was for one girl from pride to share her struggle with depression with m, after she sensed that something was off with me ( I was having a bad week at the time). Seriously just one person saying I know what your going through, I went through something similar is so important and life changing.

After that, I decided that enough was enough, and I wasn't going to hide anything anymore. I wasn't going to compartmentalize my life anymore, which is what many people who face the double stigma do.

So mental health issues need to be talked about. GLBTQ rights need to be talked about. They also need to be talked about together. So come to OUTSpoken; a call for LGBTQ voices, and come share your story!

Performance and Workshop
Monday 6/24
6pm, Center on Halsted, (Theater, 3rd floor)
Free or pay what you can, register here (or just come)

Facebook event here

Sponsored by Erasing the Distance, watch the video to learn what ETD does:

Peace -Sam

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Song of the Week

Song of the week, just a short post keeping it true with everyone. Love is love its all the same. Enough said.
Peace -Sam

Monday, June 3, 2013

Lesbian Films

So I have realized lately that I am semi short on friends who I can talk to regarding certain subjects. We all have those friends, the foodie who is the first person you think of when you find a great recipe or want to go to a new restaurant. Or the friend that you go to when you need advice, because they love to give advice. I mean yes we hang out with these people at other times and for other reasons too, but you know what I mean. Anyways so I feel like (well I know) I used to have one or two friends that I would talk to about lesbian culture, or at least conversations surrounding "that girls hot" and the other person would completely understand, because they were um lesbians, lezbe honest. :) I mean I actually have a good number of gay guy friends, of which I can talk about a whole range of general GLBTQ topics and they'll be happy to chat lightly. However as soon as I bring up a girl (except for the one bi guy), girl problems, lesbians, women, vaginas or anything related to any of those there all like "ew gross, peace out, I got other people to talk to"

Anywho, I've lost touch with a few people over the last year, year and a half, and I watch this film tonight, about lesbians, and I am racking my brain. I gots no lesbian whose gonna wanna listen to me talk about it, or that I am close enough to to tell about it or have that type of conversation without it being akward. So here I am telling you all instead, and if any les or bi girl reads this, feel free to comment ;)

So back to the film, it's called Molly's Girl, came out back in 2011, nothing mainstream, just something I came across under Netflix's Gay and Lesbian Movies section. To be honest, I really was in the mood to watch like a sappy romantic lesbian love story, albeit there are not very many to choose from on netflix, and this film was not really that at all, but I took a gamble. I recognized one of the actresses names, Kristina Valada-Viars but couldn't figure out where I knew it from. it took me a good seven minutes at least of watching this girl before I figured it out. I met her! I could not believe I had met her. Back in early 2012, I went and saw her in a play at the Steppenwolf (for which I truly appreciated her role, it was very good! Play "Time Stands Still") and then I got to meet her when she came and talked to my arts seminar class. Now mind you, there were 5 total students in the class, so I was not staring at a guest lecturer, no we had actual conversations simply about life. I'm a theater girl myself and I don't know why it was so hard for me to make the connection simply because it crossed the line from theater to film. I had only known her in the theater context, and I believe she is pretty successful there, so it didn't cross my mind. I'm glad I did remember though, because it only made me like her acting and her as an actress more. The film, I'd say its cute, its somewhere between okay and good in my book, but thats mostly related to the plot being ehhh. maybe its because it wasn't satisfying what I was in the mood for, and I would have enjoyed it more otherwise. However, I really did like her acting and she made it funny and more enjoyable the way her and the other main character played off each other.

So it wasn't even really that I wanted to gush about her or her acting in a lesbian way I guess. She is very pretty, but in the same way I think many other celebrities and actresses are pretty. It's more that I got stupidly excited over the fact that I had met an actress in a movie I was watching, a professional movie. I mean wouldn't anyone get excited about that? and on top of that it was a lesbian film which just makes it all the more exciting, at least to me. So there's my gush. If you go see any shows in Chicago and happen to catch this girl on stage, your lucky and in for a treat.

Peace - Sam

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In the Meantime...

While my life is its usual crazy whirlwind, I have something for you to enjoy but I will get to that. I am graduating in less than 6 weeks. That's my major update. Here's all the little things:

I finished all my theater Practicums! Yay for a basically finished theater major!
Pending I pass my Cognitive Psych class, pre-emptive yay! for that major too.
My involvement with Active Minds and Mental Health Awareness is as life consuming as ever.
I need to reschedule my psychiatrist appointment? Yea can someone please tell me to do that?
I was just in a production of the Vagina Monologues, It was an awesome experience, and my first time on stage in a theatrical sense! major accomplishment!
I still have no job, and kinda a place to live but not really, I think I'm on living plan J now. Focusing on Job still, well I'll admit I have done NOTHING Job related until today...
...I worked on my shit today! meaning my Resume is beautiful and my cover letter templates are hot.
I am presenting at the student symposium at LFC (1 presentation I have not finished)
I am presenting at the ACM conference 4 days later (1 presentation I have not started)
I love to play the Djymbe in my West African Drmuming Ensemble,Wasa Wasa. (just thought I'd throw that in the mix)
I've been fighting off a carpenter ant infestation in my dorm room since before spring break. NOTE I HAVE A PHOBIA OF BUGS. My roommate and I took out all the food, a friend helped me clean and sweep everything, and we sprayed the room with some very strong anti pest thing. That seemed to work for a while before spring break, But I came back and they were back again. I sprayed again but only a little and never got to finish but then I found dead ants on my floor like little presents. So I know the spray does kill them at least. My friend and I sprayed the whole room again. hopefully its work this time.
This coming week, I convinced myself that waking up at 5am both Thursday and Friday is a great idea! I have volunteered myself to work at a sociology conference in Chicago for one of my prof's. I do get payed, and my transportation is payed for. Plus I told myself it would be a great networking opportunity, except for that fact that my class schedule is not letting me stay much longer after my shift before I have to leave so I can catch the Metra back to LFC. Don't know how much networking will be done from behind the registration desk.
My Truck is still broken, poor baby, but I did get it towed! so at least its at a mechanics shop. But even he doesn't seem to know whats wrong with it.

WOW that list got long. There is so much to do in the next six weeks my brain might explode. Something that keeps me grounded, music, like this new song by Crystal Bowersox, one of my favorite artists. It's called Dead Weight, and its very powerful and beautiful, and as Crustal said herself in an interview something along the lines of the more you hear the more meaningful it gets. So please enjoy while I continue the life I keep forgetting to blog about. Love your all, Peace. -Sam

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ditch Day

So once in a while, we all need a ditch day right? Just to have a little fun? I think so. Something just comes up unexpected and you get this overwhelming feeling to cancel everything else you had planned and just go for it. Well that feeling doesn't happen to me to often, I am usually very committed to my commitments. However one thing I am truly a sucker for is animals. So when a friend brought up she needed to go to the zoo to observe for a school project, and we both work weekends (and every other day for that matter and have super crazy schedules). She got the assignment on Friday and we realized that the only day she could even go (esp since the zoo is only "open" until 430pm) was on a Monday. So after her 9am we took a ditch day. We meetings, work and I skipped my classes (since they are in the afternoons on Mondays) and we hopped on a Train to the Lincoln Park Zoo. This was two Mondays ago just for reference, It was cold snowy, icy and cloudy. All in all not great weather And neither of us had good shoes or were dressed right. By the time we got back to Lake forest are feet were soaking wet ice-pops and we still had to walk back to campus. BUT IT WAS ALL TOTALLY WORTH IT! And here is a video showing why you too should take a Ditch Day the next time the opportunity arises (BABY GORILLA! Let's just say we had loads of fun at the zoo):

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Funday

It's Monday. I have a test at 1 that I have not finished studying for. My car is still broken down. And I have to find an entire sound plot of sound cues for a show by Friday so it can be programmed. It's looking like a fun week. See you all on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


So, the number one reason why I, Sam want to move to a city? No its not because of the business (I often times prefer the quiet of the country). It's not because of a job, as I could get one (theoretically speaking) anywhere. and no its not because there are more things to do, social events and the like. Its not the lifestyle, the people, or the options, no the number one reason is public transportation.

I fucking love public transportation, best invention ever. If you live in many areas within many large cities, there is cheap affordable public transportation that is for the most part safe, reliable, and NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.

On the other end of this argument is my not so trusty truck (whose nick name is robocar, but only because the power locks don't always work properly and lock people out constantly). I knew it was not going to make it through the winter, although I was praying really hard it would. Over the last 3 years I've put almost about the same amount of money into this truck as I bought it for, which wasn't much. It old, a 1995 nissan pathfinder to be exact. In those same 3 years I have come to dislike cars (and the suburbs that require them) very much.

My Truck once again broke down yesterday. At least this time it wasn't in the middle of a road or in some store parking lot. At least it was at school in the parking spot its supposed to be in, but it just simply wouldn't start. not even a chug. no clicks, no sound whatsoever. And as of now its still not fixed.

Now see, I guess if I was in a more stable financial situation, I wouldn't dislike cars so much, but everytime I think I'm getting on track financially, something goes wrong with my truck. its like everything is going right and something has to go wrong. If i had a decent car or truck and the means to take care of sed car or truck, I wouldn't have such an issue. but the responsibility of owning a car/truck is just terrible. I really can't stand it. WHY CAN"T THERE BE PUBLIC TRANSIT EVERYWHERE! or for that matter WHY COULDN'T I HAVE GOTTEN A CAR/TRUCK THAT WORKS. I'm about ready to blow the damn thing up.And the only reason I've got a stupid truck/car is because I work at a job off campus that I need to get too. (If campus jobs would have paid me as well and given me enough hours I may not be having this problem, so maybe I should blame the school? kidding).

Lets just hope my truck is fixable this time, and that it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg that I don't have. Heck I don't even have a finger to give, but I'll have to make do. I want to move back to a city and I want to move NOW! But unfortunately, It will have to wait until at least August.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Yellow Taxi

You know the saying, you don't miss someone until there gone? Yeah well it reminds me of that Yellow Taxi Song that no ever likes to admit that they like but they do. Whether in song or not I generally despise that saying because it is so true. Every time it happens to me I'm just like, fuck.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


BTW, I also had a pretty great Holiday this year, especially since I got to spend it with my bestest friend in the entire world, Amanda! :) Here's a picture:





Okay, okay, now that I got that out of my system I'll be serious now. It's a new year, and unfortunately a scary one for me. I found out that I passed my Senior Seminar last semester for Psychology, and if any of you saw me in the library at any point last semester, you knew that I was freaking out that I wouldn't pass no matter how hard I worked at it. For the record, passing means a C- or better so that it would count for my major. Well I got a C and as so happy. Who new you could be so happy about a C? It was a really hard class, but I learned a ton, and the Prof is still one of my favorites. So what does this mean for this new scary year? It means I'm going to fucking graduate college of course! omg scary face, imagine me freaking out as we speak.

So yeah, every time I think about it, I just got to take a deep breath and remember that I can do it, and that I have a plan. Well I sort of have a plan, lets just say it has some unknowns in it. I plan to graduate, hopefully get a job that I will enjoy, and eventually get an apartment. The main unknown that freaks me out is where I am going to live. The job is less scary only because I have experience for a lot of different types of regular jobs, so I can probably get A Job, but it might not be something I like. Living is the big Q. Since my ever so necessary college education wiped out all of my savings (I do work a lot, but whatever came from working went to bills or the next semesters tuition), I am left with almost no start up money. So the job might, no will, have to come first, and the apartment after. I can't just get an apartment after graduation like some of my fellow classmates and have my parents to pay for it the first 6 months while I get a real job, my parents don't have the money for that. But where would I go in the meantime? I am left with about 2 options, first I could move to the papa's (Grandpa's), of which I haven't even discussed with him and probably should do that. He lives semi close to public transit but still not my greatest option, however I could probably live there rent free.

Option numero 2, moving back to my moms. First off depending on where said job is, very inconvenient most likely hour and a half commute to city on metra and paying metra train prices! ha! would suck up a ton of money. Also the main reason this option is not so viable is due to the fact that it's not good for mine or my moms sanity. We both know this. We get along fine when we live apart, but living together is almost a nightmare. However if this is my option then we would both suck it up and make it work.

There is also option 2.5, which is unlikely but maybe. my brother is transferring to a four year school in the fall from community college. 2 of his 3 option are in the city U of I Chicago, and University of Chicago (His third is Lake Forest, where I go now). If he gets in to and decides to go to one of the colleges in Chicago, but they only give him enough financial aid to cover his tuition but not all of his room and board (which is what I expect the to give) I'm going to present him with an alternative. Don't waste your money (as I did) paying the high cost of campus living and food costs, and why not split an apartment with your dear older sister? (If you think this has any chance of working, or tips on persuasion let me know). Since I'd be the one with the real job and he'd be in school probs with a part time job, I would probs split rent with him like 75/25. I actually like this option the best, However I just don't think its going to happen.

So I guess that's a plan, sort of? I am focusing solely on getting a job first. And then if by some miracle I land a job say by mid April that will start after graduation, then I will go apartment hunting, mainly by means of online roommate listings. This is the other alternative floating in my brain, since I don't have great credit, I do have some references, but I also don't have any cosigners (only 1 person would cosign something for me and he also has bad credit), I'll move into an apartment that's already established. Plenty of people are looking for roommates for their apartments and it's seems like a simple option since splitting rent is almost always cheaper than a single apartment.

This is just some of what on my brain, weighing me down with worry and anxiety in this new year. But I know that I will get through it. Life always find ways to surprise me and I just need to go with it. It will all work out. unlike for the past 3 and a half years, I'm not at all worried about my classes, as none of them are what I consider to be super difficult or anything, and I am also not worried about paying for school anymore (just everything else in life).

And as much as I am starting off this new year with all this worry and fear, I am also starting it with confidence, and loads of excitement. Excited for a fun last semester with plenty of new adventures with new friends and old. I have confidence (but not over confidence) in myself and my experiences (and that whole diploma thing) to push me through to a job after graduation. I'm really excited to start to start living a new chapter of my life, especially one where I don't have to think about school! Just writing about it here makes me all the more happy and excited for this new year and new part of my life.

But on a final note as I start this January first, it makes me a little sad to to think about all this, leaving expectation behind. School is routine, its a constant, you know what you are doing come every August. Now its all unknown. I am leaving so many things behind along with the things like knowledge that I am taking with me. One of the things about my school is that you have such a wide variety of people around you from all over the world, and you learn so much from them in four years, however they often end up all over the world. Friends that I've made that have graduated in past years have scattered everywhere from Colorado to the Peace Corps in South America. I hope that I stay friends with the people I've come to love at school, But I'll admit I am really bad at staying in touch with people. But I'll  try. I think that will be my new years resolution, not to promise, but simply to try and keep up contacts with my friends this year, and maybe even reconnect with an old one or two. :)

