Sunday, November 27, 2011


I see people. people are everywhere in my life. Even when my room mate is gone from our cozy little dorm room on the first floor, I can look out our window that is almost to large for the room and see people. I can walk into our lounge and almost always find people. At school I deal with people. At work this past weekend, I dealt with hundreds of people during this crazy shopping season. Sometimes people get to me. I know psychology tells me that social interactions are good for me, and I know they are too, but not everything is always helpful. Things like social media can be so damaging to someone. I mean that not really physical interaction, but its something isn't it? Sometimes I don't want to be around certain people and I have too, and other times I want certain people to be around but they can't. My latest example is that I have realized its been over 6 weeks since I've last seen my girlfriend. That's the longest we've ever gone and it will be at least 2 more weeks before our paths will cross. I miss her like crazy. Or like my friend Liz, and her gypsy independent ways. She's a gnome coming and going as she pleases. I haven't seen her or spoken to her in months, but I know we will soon. I miss her a lot as well. There's people, well a person, that I never want to see again, as in my life would be a but better if I never had to deal with this person ever again. He's still a person and he still deserves a good life, but I'd prefer it if that life would cease to include me and my family. We are all just people who need to interact with each other, whether willingly or unwillingly. People are what motivate me, inspire me. psychology. It all comes back to psychology. what inspired me today to write about this, was sitting in the lounge on this Sunday evening. Slowly watching the people return from thanksgiving break. And yes I was thankful for many people this past week, including the person I wish I never saw again. He contributed to the experiences in my life which help make me the person I am today. yes very cliche. what more can I say about people? everything. But I think this is all for now. Peace.

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