Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello Dears,

Looking forward, I promise to fill this seemingly boring summer with plenty of juicy and interesting material for you all. Due to financial reasons and other lovely circumstances (note the sarcasm) I will be spending the next 10 weeks with my mother at her house. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad, I mean free rent, most of my food is payed for, but I often wonder if the stress level is worth it. As you may already know, my mom and I are a bipolar power team to say the least. We are very alike, and just don't get along all that well WHEN LIVING TOGETHER. We have realized that we get along much better as mother and daughter when not living together, although there are still ups and downs. However, she is spending about half of each week at her boyfriends, (where she and my brothers are moving at the end of summer) and I think that will give us enough separate time for us to survive the summer without strangling each other. My brothers are another story entirely...

So yes, that means my ACM semester in Chicago is behind me, sadly! :( But never the less Chicago is continually in my future thanks to the experience ACM provided me. It has been an amazing whirlwind that ended all to soon. You gain so much more than you can ever expect on the Chicago Program. Of course there were ups and downs, as with anything in life, but the programs ups definitely outweighed the downs this past semester.

So I saved the most exciting update for last, I got the job I wanted today! Of course I am still working at my true love, the Gap (yes I'm back at Hawthorn! I never transfered more like had a 3 month leave lol). However that's very part time, so I needed another job ASAP. I have never worked a job I didn't love and enjoy, and I've come to live by that with whatever job I do. If you don't like it, you won't be performing at your best. So I went in search of a job that I would enjoy, and I had to eliminate retail because I can't work at a competing clothing store to Gap. I set my eyes on Foss Swim School, recommended to me by one of my dear friends who used to work there. I'll be teaching kids how to swim in a fun and energetic environment. I am so excited that I get to work with kids (cause I love kids, hello, I don't just work at Gap, I work at Kids and BabyGap) and I get to be in the water all summer! Yay swimming! I am so so so so so excited!


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